Running Flatcar Container Linux on Eucalyptus 3.4
These instructions will walk you through downloading Flatcar Container Linux, bundling the image, and running an instance from it.
Import the image
These steps will download the Flatcar Container Linux image, uncompress it, convert it from qcow to raw, and then import it into Eucalyptus. In order to convert the image you will need to install qemu-img
with your favorite package manager.
Choosing a channel
Flatcar Container Linux is designed to be updated automatically with different schedules per channel. You can disable this feature , although we don’t recommend it. Read the release notes for specific features and bug fixes.
The Alpha channel closely tracks master and is released frequently. The newest versions of system libraries and utilities will be available for testing. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 3760.0.0.
$ wget -q $ bunzip2 flatcar_production_openstack_image.img.bz2 $ qemu-img convert -O raw flatcar_production_openstack_image.img flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw $ euca-bundle-image -i flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw -r x86_64 -d /var/tmp 00% |====================================================================================================| 5.33 GB 59.60 MB/s Time: 0:01:35 Wrote manifest bundle/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml $ euca-upload-bundle -m /var/tmp/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml -b flatcar-production Uploaded flatcar-production/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml $ euca-register flatcar-production/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml --virtualization-type hvm --name "Flatcar Container Linux-Production" emi-E4A33D45
The Beta channel consists of promoted Alpha releases. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 3745.1.0.
$ wget -q $ bunzip2 flatcar_production_openstack_image.img.bz2 $ qemu-img convert -O raw flatcar_production_openstack_image.img flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw $ euca-bundle-image -i flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw -r x86_64 -d /var/tmp 00% |====================================================================================================| 5.33 GB 59.60 MB/s Time: 0:01:35 Wrote manifest bundle/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml $ euca-upload-bundle -m /var/tmp/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml -b flatcar-production Uploaded flatcar-production/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml $ euca-register flatcar-production/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml --virtualization-type hvm --name "Flatcar Container Linux-Production" emi-E4A33D45
The Stable channel should be used by production clusters. Versions of Flatcar Container Linux are battle-tested within the Beta and Alpha channels before being promoted. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 3602.2.1.
$ wget -q $ bunzip2 flatcar_production_openstack_image.img.bz2 $ qemu-img convert -O raw flatcar_production_openstack_image.img flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw $ euca-bundle-image -i flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw -r x86_64 -d /var/tmp 00% |====================================================================================================| 5.33 GB 59.60 MB/s Time: 0:01:35 Wrote manifest bundle/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml $ euca-upload-bundle -m /var/tmp/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml -b flatcar-production Uploaded flatcar-production/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml $ euca-register flatcar-production/flatcar_production_openstack_image.raw.manifest.xml --virtualization-type hvm --name "Flatcar Container Linux-Production" emi-E4A33D45
Boot it up
Now generate the ssh key that will be injected into the image for the core
user and boot it up!
$ euca-create-keypair flatcar > core.pem
$ euca-run-instances emi-E4A33D45 -k flatcar -t m1.medium -g default
Your first Flatcar Container Linux instance should now be running. The only thing left to do is find the IP and SSH in.
$ euca-describe-instances | grep flatcar
RESERVATION r-BCF44206 498025213678 group-1380012085
INSTANCE i-22444094 emi-E4A33D45 running flatcar 0
m1.small 2013-10-02T05:32:44.096Z one eki-05573B4A eri-EA7436D2 monitoring-enabled instance-store paravirtualized 5046c208-fec1-4a6e-b079-e7cdf6a7db8f_one_1
Finally SSH into it, note that the user is core
$ chmod 400 core.pem
$ ssh -i core.pem core@
core@10-0-0-3 ~ $
Using Flatcar Container Linux
Now that you have a machine booted it is time to play around. Check out the Flatcar Container Linux Quickstart guide or dig into more specific topics .