Running Flatcar Container Linux on VMware
These instructions walk through running Flatcar Container Linux on VMware Fusion or ESXi. If you are familiar with another VMware product, you can use these instructions as a starting point.
Running the VM
Choosing a channel
Flatcar Container Linux is designed to be updated automatically with different schedules per channel. You can disable this feature , although we don’t recommend it. Read the release notes for specific features and bug fixes.
The Stable channel should be used by production clusters. Versions of Flatcar Container Linux are battle-tested within the Beta and Alpha channels before being promoted. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 3602.2.1.
curl -LO
The Alpha channel closely tracks master and is released frequently. The newest versions of system libraries and utilities will be available for testing. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 3760.0.0.
curl -LO
The Beta channel consists of promoted Alpha releases. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 3745.1.0.
curl -LO
Booting with VMware vSphere/ESXi from the web interface
Use the vSphere Client/ESXi web interface to deploy the VM as follows:
- In the menu, click
>Deploy OVF Template...
- In the wizard, specify the location of the OVA file downloaded earlier
- Name your VM
- Choose “thin provision” for the disk format
- Choose your network settings and specify provisioning userdata
- Confirm the settings, then click “Finish”
Uncheck Power on after deployment
in order to edit the VM before booting it the first time.
The last step uploads the files to the ESXi datastore and registers the new VM. You can now tweak VM settings, then power it on.
Booting with VMware vSphere/ESXi from the command line with ovftool
Use the
to deploy from the command line as follows:
ovftool --name=testvm --skipManifestCheck --noSSLVerify --datastore=datastore1 --powerOn=True --net:"VM Network=VM Network" --X:waitForIp --overwrite --powerOffTarget$(cat ignition_config.json | base64 --wrap=0) ./flatcar_production_vmware_ova.ova 'vi:///<YOUR_USER>:<ESXI_PASSWORD>@<ESXI_HOST_IP>'
This assumes that you downloaded flatcar_production_vmware_ova.ova
to your current folder, and that you want to specify an Ignition config as userdata from ignition_config.json
NB: These instructions were tested with an ESXi v5.5 host.
Booting with VMware Workstation 12 or VMware Fusion
Run VMware Workstation GUI:
- In the menu, click
- In the wizard, specify the location of the OVA template downloaded earlier
- Name your VM, then click
- (Press
if VMware Workstation raises an “OVF specification” warning) - Edit VM settings if necessary and specify provisioning userdata
- Start your Flatcar Container Linux VM
NB: These instructions were tested with a Fusion 8.1 host.
Installing via PXE or ISO image
Flatcar Container Linux can also be installed by booting the virtual machine via PXE or the ISO image and then installing Flatcar Container Linux to disk .
Butane Configs
Flatcar Container Linux allows you to configure machine parameters, configure networking, launch systemd units on startup, and more via Butane Configs. These configs are then transpiled into Ignition configs and given to booting machines. Head over to the docs to learn about the supported features .
You can provide a raw Ignition config to Flatcar Container Linux via VMware’s Guestinfo interface .
As an example, this Butane Config will start an NGINX Docker container and configure private and public static IP addresses:
variant: flatcar
version: 1.0.0
- path: /etc/systemd/network/
inline: |
- name: nginx.service
enabled: true
contents: |
Description=NGINX example
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm --force nginx1
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --name nginx1 --pull always --log-driver=journald --net host
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop nginx1
Transpile it to Ignition JSON:
cat cl.yaml | docker run --rm -i > ignition.json
For DHCP you don’t need to specify any networkd units.
After transpilation, the resulting JSON content can be used in
after encoding it to base64 and setting
to base64
If DHCP is used, the JSON file can also be uploaded to a web server and fetched by Ignition if the HTTP(s) URL is given in guestinfo.ignition.config.url
Beginning with Flatcar major version 3248, fetching remote resources in Ignition or with torcx is not only supported with DHCP but also by using
to define a custom network configuration, here an
example for a static IP address
IP configuration specified via guestinfo.interface.*
and guestinfo.dns.*
variables is currently not supported with Ignition and will only work if you provide coreos-cloudinit data (cloud-config or a script) as userdata.
Templating with Butane Configs and setting up metadata
On many cloud providers Ignition will run the
(which runs afterburn
) to set up
node metadata
. This is not the case with VMware because the network setup is defined by you and nothing generic that afterburn
would know about.
Here’s a Butane configuration example to setup an etcd
instance with a custom coreos-metadata.service
version: 1.0.0
variant: flatcar
- name: etcd-member.service
enabled: true
- name: 20-clct-etcd-member.conf
contents: |
ExecStart=/usr/lib/coreos/etcd-wrapper $ETCD_OPTS --advertise-client-urls="http://${COREOS_CUSTOM_PUBLIC_IPV4}:2379"
- name: coreos-metadata.service
contents: |
Description=VMware metadata agent
ExecStart=/usr/bin/mkdir --parent /run/metadata
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c 'echo "COREOS_CUSTOM_PRIVATE_IPV4=$(ip addr show ens192 | grep "inet 10." | grep -Po "inet \K[\d.]+")\nCOREOS_CUSTOM_PUBLIC_IPV4=$(ip addr show ens192 | grep -v "inet 10." | grep -Po "inet \K[\d.]+")" > ${OUTPUT}'
This populates /run/metadata/coreos
with variables for a public IP address on interface ens192
(taking the one that is not starting with 10.…
) and a private IP address on the same interface (taking the one that is starting with 10.…
). You need to adjust this to your network setup. In case you use the guestinfo.interface.*
variables you could use /usr/share/oem/bin/vmware-rpctool 'info-get guestinfo.interface.0.ip.0.address'
instead of ip addr show … | grep …
Using coreos-cloudinit Cloud-Configs
Ignition is the preferred way of provisioning because it runs in the initramfs and only at first boot. Cloud-Configs are supported, too, but coreos-cloudinit is not actively developed at the moment.
Both Cloud-Config YAML content and raw bash scripts are supported by coreos-cloudinit. You can provide them to Flatcar Container Linux via VMware’s Guestinfo interface .
For $public_ipv4
and $private_ipv4
substitutions to work you either need to use static IPs (through guestinfo.interface.*
as described below) or you need to write the variables COREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4
to /etc/environment
before coreos-cloudinit runs which would require a reboot. Thus, it may be easier to use the coreos-metadata.service
approach and write these variables to /run/metadata/coreos
. To do so, set EnvironmentFile=/run/metadata/coreos
, Requires=coreos-metadata.service
, and After=coreos-metadata.service
in your systemd unit.
Besides applying the config itself coreos-cloudinit
supports the guestinfo.interface.*
variables and will generate a networkd unit from them stored in /run/systemd/network/
The guestinfo variables known to coreos-cloudinit are (taken from
), with <n>
, <m>
, <l>
being numbers starting from 0:
used forhostnamectl set-hostname
used in the[Match]
section of the networkd unit (can include wildcards)guestinfo.interface.<n>.mac
used in the[Match]
section of the networkd unitguestinfo.interface.<n>.dhcp
is eitheryes
and used in the[Network]
section of the networkd unitguestinfo.interface.<n>.role
(required to generate a networkd unit for<n>
) is eitherpublic
and used for Cloud-Config variable substitions ($public_ipv4
etc) instead ofCOREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4
is a static IP address with subnet, e.g.,
, used in the[Address]
section of the networkd unitguestinfo.interface.<n>.route.<l>.gateway
used in the[Route]
section of the networkd unitguestinfo.interface.<n>.route.<l>.destination
is a IP CIDR, e.g.,
, used in the[Route]
section of the networkd unitguestinfo.dns.server.<x>
used in the[Network]
section of any networkd unitguestinfo.dns.domain.<y>
used in the[Network]
section of any networkd unitguestinfo.(ignition|coreos)
, andguestinfo.(ignition|coreos).config.url
as described in the surrounding sections
If you rely on $public_ipv4
and $private_ipv4
substitutions through guestinfo.interface.<n>.role
but have both IP addresses in one interface you may either use variables in /run/metadata/coreos
as written in the previous section or you could provide the second IP address again on a dummy interface with a name that never matches a real interface, just to propagate the IP address to the coreos-cloudinit metadata.
VMware Guestinfo interface
Setting Guestinfo options
The VMware guestinfo interface is a mechanism for VM configuration. Guestinfo properties are stored in the VMX file, or in the VMX representation in host memory. These properties are available to the VM at boot time. Within the VMX, the names of these properties are prefixed with guestinfo.
. Guestinfo settings can be injected into VMs in one of four ways:
Configure guestinfo in the OVF for deployment. Software like vcloud director manipulates OVF descriptors for guest configuration. For details, check out this VMware blog post about Self-Configuration and the OVF Environment .
The ESXi web UI and VMware Workstation Player either directly display the OVF guestinfo variables for editing or allow to add them as parameters in the VM settings before deployment. They can also be changed and added later in the VM settings (but for Ignition configs that requires
touch /boot/flatcar/first_boot
so that Ignition runs again on the next boot). -
supports guestinfo variables with--X:guest:VARIABLE=value
. -
Set guestinfo keys and values from the Flatcar Container Linux guest itself, by using a VMware Tools command like:
/usr/share/oem/bin/vmtoolsd --cmd "info-set guestinfo.<variable> <value>"
- Guestinfo keys and values can be set from a VMware Service Console, using the
vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/[...]/<VMNAME>/<VMNAME>.vmx setguestinfo guestinfo.<property> <value>
- You can manually modify the VMX and reload it on the VMware Workstation, ESXi host, or in vCenter.
Guestinfo configuration set via the VMware API or with vmtoolsd
from within the Flatcar Container Linux guest itself are stored in VM process memory and are lost on VM shutdown or reboot.
Defining the Ignition config or coreos-cloudinit Cloud-Config in Guestinfo
If either the
or the guestinfo.ignition.config.url
userdata property contains an Ignition config, Ignition will apply the referenced config on first boot during the initramfs phase. If it contains a Cloud-Config or script, Ignition will enable a service for coreos-cloudinit that will run on every boot and apply the config.
The userdata is prepared for the guestinfo facility in one of two encoding types, specified in the
Encoding | Command |
<elided> | sed -e 's/%/%%/g' -e 's/"/%22/g' /path/to/user_data |
base64 | base64 -w0 /path/to/user_data |
gz+base64 | gzip -c -9 /path/to/user_data | base64 -w0 |
base64 (or gz+base64) encoding is mandatory for ESXi, passing unencoded Ignition data will lead to Ignition failures during boot due to lack of escaping in the guestinfo XML data.
Example = "ewogICJpZ25pdGlvbiI6IHsgInZlcnNpb24iOiAiMi4wLjAiIH0KfQo=" = "base64"
This example will be decoded into the following Ignition config, but a Cloud-Config can be specified the same way in the variable:
"ignition": { "version": "2.0.0" }
Instead of providing the userdata inline, you can also specify a remote HTTP location in guestinfo.ignition.config.url
Both Ignition and coreos-cloudinit support it but Ignition relies on DHCP in the initramfs which means that it can’t fetch remote resources if you have to use static IPs.
Logging in
The VGA console has autologin enabled.
Networking can take some time to start under VMware. Once it does, you will see the IP when typing ip a
or in the VM info that VMware displays.
You can login to the host at that IP using your SSH key, or the password set in your cloud-config:
ssh core@YOURIP
Disabling/enabling autologin
Beginning with Flatcar major version 3185 the kernelArguments
directive in Ignition v3 allows to add/remove the flatcar.autologin
kernel command line parameter that is set in grub.cfg
The following short Butane YAML config (to be transpiled to Ignition v3 JSON) ensures that the flatcar.autologin
kernel parameter gets removed and then as part of the first boot it gets applied to an instant reboot before the instance comes up:
variant: flatcar
version: 1.0.0
- flatcar.autologin
With should_exist
instead of should_not_exist
the argument would be added if it isn’t set in grub.cfg
Read more about setting kernel command line parameters this way here .
In case you want to disable the autologin on the console with Ignition v2 where no kernelArguments
directive exists, you can use the following directive in your Container Linux Config YAML.
To take effect it requires an additional reboot.
- name: oem
device: /dev/disk/by-label/OEM
format: btrfs
label: OEM
- path: /grub.cfg
filesystem: oem
mode: 0644
inline: |
set oem_id="vmware"
set linux_append=""
To take effect directly on first boot, the alternative is to create a getty@.service
drop-in, here a CLC snippet:
- name: getty@.service
- name: 10-autologin.conf
contents: |
ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --noclear %I $TERM
Using Flatcar Container Linux
Now that you have a machine booted, it’s time to explore. Check out the Flatcar Container Linux Quickstart guide, or dig into more specific topics .